Update: I need your help, before June 30th!

Austin Mayoral Candidate Doug Greco and Incumbent Mayor Kirk Watson
The Austin Chronicle

I’m told that the day I announced my run for Mayor in February a top staffer to Mayor Watson called my former employer and complained. I guess he doesn’t want me in the race. That’s why I need your help now to say I’m not going anywhere!

The most important financial report of the election is due at the end of June. Since it’s an initial measure of how broad our support is, and helps us raise more money moving forward, we need to raise $10,000 in the next 9 days. Can I count on you to help us meet our goal?

  • If you haven’t yet contributed to our campaign, I ask you to now. Giving by the end of this weekend ensures it will count toward the June 30th goal.
  • For those of you who have already given what you can at this point, can you reach out to two others to get them to donate before June 30th?
  • If you have already given and feel you can do a bit more, consider doubling your contribution to help us reach our target. The maximum individual donation is $450 for the election cycle per candidate.

To contribute, use the Donate button below and give by the end of this weekend to help us meet our June 30th goal. Your investment in our campaign is an investment in Austin’s future. Together, we can achieve a city that works for everyone, not for big money, and not Governor Abbott.

Remember, every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goal. Don’t wait to help build a better Austin!


Doug Greco

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