Doug Greco Speaks on Prop A at AISD Meeting

In this 1-minute, 16-second video, Doug Greco, candidate for Austin mayor, speaks at an AISD meeting about Prop A and its potential impact on Austin schools and the community.

Audio Transcript

Good evening. I’m Doug Greco, a former AISD teacher and Education Austin member, and I’m a candidate for mayor in Austin this year.

Over two weeks ago, I endorsed the proposed AISD voter approval tax rate election, and I call on all candidates running for office this fall to do the same and make it part of their get-out-the-vote efforts.

Since my first days teaching at what was Johnston High 27 years ago, now Eastside, I’ve seen the state’s disinvestment in education impact our students. I’ve also called on the Mayor and City Council to invest 40 million new dollars in workforce and education programs in this year’s budget, including after-school programs, parent support specialists, ESL programs, scholarship programs, summer youth employment programs, and adult workforce development.

The more we as a city can invest in these programs, the more the school district’s budget is freed up for core teaching and learning and staff compensation.

Thank you, board. Our community needs to support this investment in our schools.

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