15 candidates raised $1.65 million: The Austin Bulldog

Of the three candidates trying to unseat Watson, Doug Greco, 53, led the pack. He resigned from the nonprofits Austin Interfaith and Austin Interfaith Sponsoring Committee to run for mayor. Surprisingly he raised twice as much money as former three-term City Council Member Kathie Tovo, 55.

Carmen Llanes Pulido, 39, executive director of Go Austin/Vamos Austin (GAVA) came within $17,000 of matching Greco’s total contributions. In addition she loaned her campaign $20,000.

But in spending, Llanes Pulido charged out of the starting gate by plunking down more than two and a half times what Greco did, and nearly twice what Tovo laid out. As a result, Llanes Pulido is cash poor compared to Greco and Tovo. Which means she needs to set a torrid pace in fundraising as the campaigns sprint toward the November 5th election that’s just 16 weeks from today.

The Bulldog’s in-depth profile of Greco was published on April 28th.

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